

The FoxShow is back

It's great to see Andrew MacNeill's podcast The FoxShow return after a bit of an extended hiatus. The new show is a goodie, a 45+ minute interview and videocast with Brian Marquis in which he demonstrates a new approach for developing interactive Web apps in Visual FoxPro called VFP on Rails. Brian showed VFP on Rails at Chicago FUDG recently and stimluated quite a bit of interest among members, including Randy Jean who picked up on the idea and posted about it in his blog entry Exploring VFP on Rails.

Good stuff, Brian, and a big "Glad to see you back!" to Andrew and The FoxShow.

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50% Discount on RSS Feed Editor from ExtraLabs

Bits du Jour is featuring Feed Editor from ExtraLabs Software today at a 50% discount. This is one of the commercial products I showed in my session on RSS at Southwest Fox 2006 in Phoenix last October. The one-day-only discount price on Bits du Jour is $19.98, against the regular price of $39.95.

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